Comunicação - Imprensa

Mozambique: Gas prospecting in Buzi: Results to be known in March

The results of the survey of natural gas reserves near the village of Chirimónio, Nharóngue locality, Búzi district, Sofala province, could be known as early as March, Noticias reports

According to the National Petroleum Institute, the exploration procedure is entering its final stage, with drilling equipment being assembled to find out whether the deposit is marketable in size.

The existence of gas in Buzi district, Sofala province, was first detected 53 years ago. In 2008 the Mozambican government allowed prospecting, and three wells were drilled with support from Indonesia.

National Petroleum Institute representative Milton Zibane revealed that prospecting by Búzi Hidrocarbonetos was going smoothly.

“Mozambican and Indonesian technicians are working hard, and we hope to have preliminary results by March, according to information provided by the team on the ground,” Zibane explained on the sidelines of a visit by the Indonesian ambassador to Mozambique, Tito Baptista.

He added that approximately 100 technicians, 33 of them Mozambicans, were involved in the operation.

The Indonesian ambassador, who recently visited the site, revealed that his government was supporting the undertaking with finance estimated at US$65 million, and said he hoped that gas in marketable quantities would be found, and the project move into a development phase.

The ambassador also mentioned a project to build a distribution pipeline, should sufficient quantities be found.



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