Comunicação - Imprensa

Mozambique: Country should control extractive industry funds for communities

The Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (EITI) in Mozambique has advocated the creation of a specific team to control the funds that are allocated to communities.

“We must continue to work on transfers, the community is entitled to receive 2.75% of the sector’s revenue from projects implemented in their communities,” said Isabel Chuvambe, EITI coordinator.

She spoke during a press conference on Wednesday in Maputo, where she said that the report on the extractive industry in Mozambique for 2019 will be released in December.

For the EITI coordinator, the creation of a mechanism to control community benefits would also ensure greater management of funds for the population, providing information on the real impact of these projects on the lives of Mozambicans.

“These contributions are of public interest,” she said.

In addition to a team to ensure control of benefits, the EITI suggested the adoption of a business classifier to identify those that fit into the extractive industry, a strategy that will facilitate obtaining reliable data on the sector’s contribution to the state coffers.

The EITI is a replica in Mozambique of an international mechanism that promotes transparency in the extractive sector worldwide and which is made up of government and civil society entities.



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