Comunicação - Imprensa

Launch of MozParks will boost industrialisation in Mozambique

In a ceremony at the annual FACIM trade fair on Thursday, 2 September, Mozambique’s Minister of Industry and Commerce, Carlos Mesquita, launched MozParks, the new industrial parks development company.

“The country is big; the country offers many opportunities,” Minister Mesquita said in his speech, emphasising that MozParks’ development plans will pay special attention to youth employment, the development of local content, and, most importantly, the active involvement of local communities.

MozParks, the holding company of Beluluane Industrial Park, is a public-private partnership between the Mozambican state and Swiss/Mozambican private investors, and develops and operates industrial parks, agro-parks, and economic zones in Mozambique.

“Our vision is to continue to be the vehicle for the creation of employment for Mozambicans by facilitating the industrialisation of Mozambique,” Onorio Boane, general manager of MozParks, said.

The company’s flagship project is Beluluane Industrial Park in Maputo province, which currently houses more than 40 companies, and is the workplace of nearly 7,000 women and men. It has grown substantially over the past three years, and is expected to create up to 40,000 additional jobs over the next decade.

Governor of Maputo Province, Julian Parruque, proudly extolled the fact that Beluluane Industrial Park was serving as a model for the rest of the country, and urged MozParks to continue its support for young Mozambicans.

“We want our youth to internationalise. They will work in industry in our province, but also in other African countries, and internationally,” Governor Parruque said.

MozParks will open two more parks in 2021: Topuito Industrial Park in Nampula province and Montepuez Agro Park in Cabo Delgado. In 2022, it plans to open four further industrial and agro-parks, and aims in the longer term to develop MozParks in all Mozambique’s provinces.



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