Bilans d’évènement
CCIFM associated to AmCham’s exclusive Economic Workshop on the PAE
The CCIFM was very honoured to be associated to AmCham’s exclusive Economic Workshop on the PAE (Pacote de Medidas de Aceleraçao Economica) unveiled early August by President Nyusi. Members of the ‘Delivery Unit’ team detailed the ‘how/what/when’ of the 20 measures aimed at boosting economic growth and encouraging foreign & private investment into Mozambique.
The Workshop was conducted by 2 guest speakers from the Ministry of Economy and Finance, Mr. João Macaringue and Mr. Fábio Scala, who are part of the Delivery Unit responsible for the coordination and implementation of the reforms that constitute the PAE. The workshop took place at AmCham offices, located at SAL & Caldeira Advogados, ZEN Building, Av. da Marginal, 4985, 1st floor on Tuesday, October 11th 2022, from 15:30-17:30.