Appels d’offres & Opportunités d'affaires

Tenders of the Week 26-01-2024

CMTC - Acquisition of Maintenance Material for the Sewage Network and Vehicles

EDM - Electrical Grid Rehabilitation Services

EDM - Supply of Low and Medium Voltage Accessories

ITRANSMAR - Maintenance Work Supervision Services

USAID - Bicycle Supply Services

ADRS - Acquisition of Equipment and Material

COUNTERPORT - Provision of Legal Services

SNV - Vehicle Supply

CCS - Printing, Fixing and Rental of External Media Panels

TMCM - Supply of Fuel and Lubricants

AIAS - Coastal Protection Construction Works in City of Beira

ADM - Construction Contract Hiring

MTC - Cyber ​​Security Services


Télécharger SNV_-_Vehicle_Supply.pdf  (PDF • 103 Ko) Télécharger ADM_-_Construction_Contract_Hiring....pdf  (PDF • 134 Ko) Télécharger ADRS_-_Acquisition_of_Equipment_and_Material.pdf  (PDF • 192 Ko) Télécharger COUNTERPORT_-_Provision_of_Legal_Services.pdf  (PDF • 138 Ko) Télécharger EDM_Electrical_Grid_Rehabilitation_Services.pdf  (PDF • 181 Ko) Télécharger USAID_-_Bicycle_Supply_Services.pdf  (PDF • 167 Ko) Télécharger MTC_-_Cyber_Security_Services.pdf  (PDF • 124 Ko) Télécharger EDM_-_Supply_of_Low_and_Medium_Voltage_Accessories.pdf  (PDF • 164 Ko) Télécharger TMCM_-_Supply_of_Fuel_and_Lubricants.pdf  (PDF • 103 Ko) Télécharger ITRANSMAR_-_Maintenance_Work_Supervision_Services.pdf  (PDF • 116 Ko) Télécharger CCS_-_Printing__Fixing_and_Rental_of_External_Media_Panels.pdf  (PDF • 115 Ko) Télécharger CMTC_-_Acquisition_of_Maintenance_Material_for_the_Sewage_Network_and_Vehicles.pdf  (PDF • 172 Ko) Télécharger AIAS_-_Coastal_Protection_Construction_Works_in_City_of_Beira.pdf  (PDF • 217 Ko)


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