Appels d’offres & Opportunités d'affaires

Tenders of the Week 17-05-2024

Solidarites Construction of Rain Water Harvesting Systems

HCB – Implementation of the Cahora Bassa Technological Museum

HCB – SAP Assessment Consulting Services at HCB

HCB - Design and implementation of the HCB stand for FACIM

The Hunger Project - Contracting Services

FTC - Vehicles Acquisition

ADPP – Vehicles and Motorbikes Acquisition

MTC – Consultancy Services


Télécharger HCB_-_Design_and_implementation_of_the_HCB_stand_for_FACIM.pdf  (PDF • 126 Ko) Télécharger MTC_-_Consultancy_Services.pdf  (PDF • 229 Ko) Télécharger The_Hunger_Project_-_Contracting_Services.pdf  (PDF • 107 Ko) Télécharger FTC_-_Vehicle_Acquisition.pdf  (PDF • 127 Ko) Télécharger Solidarites_Construction_of_Rain_Water_Harvesting_Systems.pdf  (PDF • 497 Ko) Télécharger HCB_-_Implementation_of_the_Cahora_Bassa_Technological_Museum_.pdf  (PDF • 206 Ko) Télécharger ADPP_-_Vehicles_and_Motorbikes_Acquisition.pdf  (PDF • 128 Ko) Télécharger HCB_-_SAP_Assessment_Consulting_Services_at_HCB.pdf  (PDF • 177 Ko)


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