General Assembly of the CCIFM - September 6th, 2022 at 18h

Dear member,

We are very pleased to invite you to the General Assembly of the Chamber of Commerce & Industry France-Mozambique (CCIFM), which will take place on Tuesday, September 6th, 2022 at 18h, in the offices of the Société Générale (Avenida Julius Nyerere 140, 5th Floor).

The agenda is as follows:

  • Vote to approve the audited accounts of 2020 and 2021
  • Election of 2 new members of the Board of Directors and 1 new member of the Fiscal Committee: we are therefore launching a call for applications!

You will find enclosed hereby:  

  • The letter of invitation with all necessary details
  • The Statutes of the CCIFM
  • The Minutes of meetings of the December 6th 2021 General Assembly
  • The Proxy forms

This will be a hybrid meeting and we will send beforehand the links to connect on Zoom or Teams for those of you who won’t be able to attend in person.

Please register by clicking below.

We look forward to seeing you on September 6th!

Best regards,



Télécharger Letter_of_invitation_General_Assembly_06_09_2022.pdf  (PDF • 222 Ko) Télécharger Estatutos_da_Camara_de_Comercio_e_Industria_Franca_Mocambique.pdf  (PDF • 167 Ko) Télécharger PV_AG_06-12-2021_FR_.pdf  (PDF • 1 Mo) Télécharger PV_AG_06-12-2021_PT_.pdf  (PDF • 1 Mo) Télécharger Procuration_en_FR_-_AG_du_06_09_2022.docx  (DOCX • 103 Ko) Télécharger Procuracao_em_PT_-_AG_06_09_2022.docx  (DOCX • 103 Ko)
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