EU BUSINESS COCKTAIL - 4th December 18h - 20h

This year (and I believe for the first time ever – well at least since COVID times), the members of EuroCam Mozambique (European Chamber of Commerce), have decided to join forces & organize an exclusive “End of the Year Cocktail Party: Todos Juntos”!


When? Wednesday, December 4th at 18h

Where? To be defined.

Format? Business networking cocktail.


We are targeting 300 guests emanating from:

  • Members of Government involved in trade: Ministério da Indústria e Comércio (MIC), APIEX, CTA, Camara de Comercio de Moçambique…
  • Member bodies of EuroCam: meaning our respective chambers (France, Italy, Germany, Greece, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain) and diplomatic representations (Cyprus, Finland, Ireland, Sweden).
  • We are naturally inviting our respective Ambassadors & Trade Counsellors.
  • Our respective “ecosystems”, so in the case of France: Agence Française de Développement (AFD), Centre Culturel Franco-Mozambicain (CCFM), Lycée Français International Gustave Eiffel (LFIGE), CIRAD (Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement)… and of course, the member companies of the CCIFM.

In 2022, we partnered with Camara de Comercio Mozambique Portugal (CCMP) and had a fabulous cocktail at Hotel Cardoso. In 2023, we partnered with AmCham (American Chamber of Commerce) and again had a great mingling event between our respective members at Radisson Blu Hotel. This year, 2024, CCIFM will be European. We also believe that it is a great follow up to the Global Gateway Business Forum EU-Mozambique that occurred in Maputo in November 2023.

For all this to happen & materialize, we are counting on some of our member companies to sponsor the event. Please contact Crystelle Coury crystelle.coury(@) if you are interested.

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